Natural Gas & Electric
The regulatory complexity of the electric and gas markets has increased many fold in the past 15 years. Slover & Loftus LLP has successfully guided clients through the many challenges posed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (“FERC”) new regulations. The firm represents utilities (both FERC jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional) in electric regulatory matters, including participation in most of the major rulemakings of the past decade, as well as individual utility proceedings involving requirements and proposals for open access tariffs, management of transmission systems by independent system operators, development and implementation of reliability standards, and compliance with FERC reporting and filing requirements for public utilities. The firm also has extensive experience with all aspects of power purchase, sales, and transmission agreements. The firm has also been active in associated litigation in the federal and state courts.
The firm’s representation of gas clients has included FERC’s restructuring of the nation’s natural gas pipelines, from its early rulemaking stage, through the promulgation of FERC’s seminal Order 636, to federal court review by the D.C. Circuit. The firm’s natural gas practice also encompasses a broad range of issues affecting the industry as FERC’s new competitive market continues to evolve.